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Hello, I’m Kerry

I’m based at Staffordshire University and my role consists of: Improve outcomes for students, particularly those who are identified as high risk, increase engagement with services and develop interventions that will provide tailored support for students


Key achievements

Student Journey Maps


Completed student journey maps for students overall and specific maps for Postgraduate, international, LGBTQ+, mature, commuters/off campus, BAME students and students with a disability with information on specific issues relevant to these groups

  • Delivered at a presentation at the Student Retention & Success Symposium Sept 2020 on The Student Journey: Mapping the links between student support services and academic departments
  • Facilitated at the  AMOSSHE conference Oct 2020 Student Mental Health – Minding the Gaps

Break in Studies

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Contributed to the Break in Studies procedure – working with Student Services/Head of Academic Registry and Student Admin/Student Guidance Officer/Head of Student Support Services/Student and Course Admin Leader

  • Carried out a questionnaire for students who are currently taking a Break in Studies, identifying any gaps in provision and their needs whilst taking a break and upon their return, analysed data and created report – Aug 2020 68 students responded
  • Developed support for students returning from a Break in Studies – Welcome Back handbook, postcard with links to Student Support Services and Welcome with the option of a peer mentor, shaped by responses to the survey

Are You Ok Campaign

Contributed to the formation of the Are you OK campaign for international students – working with Student Services/International/Equality & Diversity

  • Created a webinar on Stress & Anxiety for the Are you OK campaign

PGR Students

BAME Project

  • Co delivered a Wellbeing café for PGCE students Oct 2020

  • Carried out a survey on PGR students in a questionnaire, focus group, interviews, case studies, day in the life format to create resources for new PGRs

  • Was asked to be one of the Leads for the VOICE Project on the PGR experience

  • Carried out a questionnaire for students of colour on their experiences at Staffordshire University, circulated to 2600 students, 242 responses received

  • Developed a focus/advisory group of 12 students of colour to identify and co-create interventions – the first group discussed terminology and decolonisation

  • Met with Ethnic Minority Society at the SU – continued engagement

  • Provided links to job resources, recruitment for underrepresented groups and networks/programmes for BAME students to Careers & Development Team for their webpages


ASD Students


  • Coordinating requirements for the University to meet the Care Covenant Award

  • Worked with local charity Changes to provide Wellbeing workshops exclusively for students and staff, and for them to have access to all workshops and peer support groups

  • Engaged with local charity B Arts to circulate information on the workshops they are providing for the University with funding gained to engage University students with the community

  • Contributed to the Living La Viva Lockdown campaign, identifying resources to support students through the 3rd lockdown with relevant themes

What’s Next

  • Developing engagement postcards for students whilst taking a Break in Studies

  • Developing Welcome back presentations from Schools/Departments

  • Finalising presentation of maps in a ‘tube style’ format

  • Created a Guide to Break in Studies for students who are considering/going through the process

  • Working with local charity Staffordshire Adults Autistic Society to enable students to access online workshops and develop a café style provision on campus in the future

  • Contacting students who disclosed a mental health condition at application to ensure they are aware of DSA assessments

  • Working towards a presentation on ‘Engaging students in decolonisation’ at the Improving Racial Inclusion conference 24th March

  • Working towards submitting OFS bid for Improving Access and Participation for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students to postgraduate research

  • Creating a blog on how the University supports students with autism for the NDTi preparing for Adulthood Project

  • Identifying issues and interventions to enhance the student journey for BAME students, PGR and students with a disability

  • Questionnaire on the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students – data analysis

  • Developing a directory of disability-friendly Sports Clubs

  • Creating a resource on coping with Exams and Assignment stress

  • Creating a blog on Staffordshire University support for students with ASD for the NTDi Preparing for Adulthood website


Laura Kendall- FE Liaison Officer


Deb Boughey - NHS Liaison Officer