Mental Health Awareness Training
A key priority for our project, but also as part of our commitment to our University communities is to develop a relevant, comprehensive and connected Mental Health and Wellbeing training framework for staff and students. This need has been clearly communicated to us by Professional Services and Academic staff alike and will be crucial as we look to increase confidence of staff in their ability to manage difficult situations with students, make appropriate referrals and practice self-care.
We were very excited that in March we were able to pilot our half day training session which encompassed mental health awareness, listening and conversation skills, how to make appropriate referrals and staff self-care. We were fortunate enough to deliver this pilot at both Staffordshire and Keele University to over 60 staff members before our country went into a period of lockdown and both university campuses sadly had to close. Since then, we’ve been working closely with MIND North Staffs who designed and delivered the training to revise using the feedback received and adjust to our new online virtual settings.